Fed Ex Shipping

Your Convenient FedEx Authorized Ship Center Location For FedEx Express®, FedEx Ground® and FedEx International Shipping Solutions

ASAP SHIPPING is an officially recognized FedEx Authorized ShipCenter and provides convenient access to FedEx Ground®, FedEx Express® and FedEx International products and service.  Fedex is  one of the world’s most-recognized shippers. FedEx will deliver your shipments to almost any address in the US and to millions of addresses in over 200 countries worldwide. FedEx is also a great alternative to UPS. UPS is not the only way to ship.  For fast, reliable service at competitive rates, FedEx delivers.

ASAP SHIPPING  schedules FedEx pick-ups daily so you can be sure that your shipments will receive the fast and efficient service you expect from the FedEx brand.

We also accept FedEx drop-offs for free (NO QR CODES). Nominal charges apply for us to print the label, supply tape, or box etc.